21 Sep 2009



MSG-1, or Meteosat-8, is one of a series of satellites which sends sharp imagery of Europe, Africa and parts of the Indian and Atlantic Ocean every 15 minutes for meteorological study.

MSG-1 during testing in a clean room


Credit: ESA
 ​RAL Space Involvement

RAL Space led the European Consortium that designed and built Geostationary Earth Radiation Budget (GERB)-2, one of two major instruments on MSG-1, which makes accurate measurements of components (outgoing Long Wave flux and reflected Short Wave flux) of the Earth Radiation Budget. GERB’s position in geostationary orbit allows regular measurements (every 15 minutes) of the same side of the Earth, allowing study of the radiative effects of fast-moving features such as clouds and aerosols. RAL Space also developed and operates the GERB ground segment.

Earth Observation

Main Objectives
To provide meteorologists sharper views of the Earth in a greater variety of spectral bands for accurate forecasting by tracking cloud development and temperature, land and sea temperature, water vapour and atmospheric carbon dioxide and ozone.

Launch Date
28 Aug 2002

Imperial College, University of Leicester, Royal Meteorological Institute of Belgium, EUMETSAT, Hadley Centre, UK Met Office, AMOS (Belgium), OIP (Belgium), Officine Galileo (Italy), AEA Technology, ESTL, NPL, ETEL (Switzerland), Farrand (USA), Honeywell (USA), APS (Canada), Denton (USA).

Further Project Information


For more information please contact: RAL Space Enquiries
