For its ninth edition, the conference will continue to address prospects in the domain of data preservation, stewardship and value adding of scientific data and research related information.
Click here to register to join the conference at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, part of the Harwell Space Cluster in the UK.
Previous events were held at:
- CNES in Toulouse (PV 2002)
- ESA-ESRIN in Frascati (PV 2004)
- DCC in Edinburgh (PV 2005)
- DLR in Oberpfaffenhofen (PV 2007)
- ESA-ESAC in Madrid (PV 2009)
- CNES in Toulouse (PV 2011)
- ESA-ESRIN in Frascati (PV 2013)
- EUMETSAT in Darmstadt (PV 2015)

An end-to-end management approach for the long-term data preservation is key to ensure that there is no loss of information and data. It also entails the access to the archived data – including discovery, metadata, formats and interoperability considerations with the relevant standards – as well as the curation processes aimed at improving the information content and the usability of the archived data. In addition to emergent standards technologies and best practice we would like to use this conference as an opportunity to explore issues of data management planning and archive appraisal.
We are also entering the era of big data; for this conference year we would like to extend a special invite to large-scale scientific archives so we can facilitate discussion of emergent issues across scientific domains. As we move to new and exciting technology age, we are seeing large-scale collaborations occurring on state of art virtual research environments and novel collaborative infrastructures. We would invite participation from projects, organisations or individuals developing novel data services within or as a result of these environments. This includes smaller bespoke archives wishing to integrate with larger data holdings to generate targeted knowledge and data services.

Conference Objectives - Facilitate Science Archives and Data Service Providers sharing knowledge, experiences, and lessons learnt and best practices. In addition to fostering cooperation in the areas of Data Exploitation, Preservation and archived Data Stewardship.
- Address key emerging issues for science archives including but not limited to Open Data, Big Data, Managing Heterogeneity, Data Management Planning, Data Usability, Exploitation and Impact.
- Provide a forum for organisations dealing with preservation of own data and value adding to present the status of their activities, plans and expectations. In PV2018 we particularly welcome input from a broad range of science archives and data providers. In addition to space data archives we would like to extend a special invitation to:
- Large science facilities from different domains to facilitate discussion of our common challenges
- Specialist science archives and data service providers who are integrating data with space based observation to produce innovative data services.
Session 1: Data stewardship approaches to ensure long-term data and knowledge preservation and data standards.
Chairs: Brain Matthews, Richard Moreno, Harald Rothfuss and David Giaretta
In this session, we consider the best practises for the long-term preservation of the data and other results associated with research across the preservation lifecycle, from the submission of data packages for preservation, to the access of data products. This includes the organisational structures, policies and standards adopted by data centres and archives to assure cost-effective preservation, together with risk management, uncertainty quantification, quality assessment and the evaluation of preservation capabilities. Further, we will consider novel architectures and tools used to realise different preservation strategies, and standards, tools and languages to capture the preservation context, including the preservation of data formats, the use of identifiers, metadata, semantics, data provenance, quality and uncertainty.
Topics for this session include:
- Architectures and tools for curation and preservation
- Standards for preservation access and exploitation; including uncertainty and risk
- Policy, exploitation and preservation strategies
- Risk assessment and appraisal of data value
Session 2: Adding value to data and facilitation of data useChairs: Tom Stein, Nancy Ritchie, Reta Beebe and Esther Conway
In this session, we consider activities that add value to archived data, facilitate their use or produce novel data services. Data archivists often focus most of their energy on creating well-formed, well-documented archives with the expectation that they will be available for the next 50 to 100 years. However, archived data are meaningless if they cannot be easily retrieved, understood, and used. As a result we would like to invite submissions from projects or archives who rising to the challenge of enhancing data in order to facilitate exploitation of data assets.
Topics for this session include:
- Added value services and applications on top of archives
- Techniques and tools for facilitating data access and use
- Approaches to supporting knowledge discovery
- Integrating user feedback into archives and repositories
- Validation and reanalysis of historic data sets
- Integration of new data sources and different types of data
- Return on investment for value add services
Session 3 2017: Virtual Research Environments for science data exploitation and value adding
Chairs: Christophe Arviset, Mirko Albani, Phil Kershaw and Pascal Lecomte
This session will consider new challenges, activities and research related to Virtual Research Environments or Collaborative Environments. While Massive data growth is calling for a new paradigm, with a shift towards “bring the user to the data", where scientists can bring their own code and run it where the data actually reside, instead of downloading the data and run their analysis on their computer. There is also an increased need for data, associated documentation and software long-term preservation and accessibility, for scientists to be able to re-run data analysis that was initially applied on the data. Last, scientists are now expecting to share not only their data, but also their software and the results of their research activities, and to work with their collaborators in an easy and effective manner, regardless of their location.
Topics for this session include:
- Thematic and science data exploitation platforms
- Collaborative virtual research environments
- Collaborative workflows and collection of data provenance
- Provision of software as a service, enabling software long term preservation and use
- Management of associated documentation management and data access
- Archival of data from shared environments
Session 4: Data preservation in practice: past (present) and future
Session Chairs Jamie Shiers, Kevin Ashley and Eberhard Mikusch
The purpose of this session is to examine existing practices and systems and highlight what has been learnt, including how to best benefit from collaboration between projects and/or disciplines. It will also look forward and attempt to understand how new developments and/or technologies and/or tomorrow's data volumes might influence or even constrain how things will be done in the future. Data preservation is not a static field: we wish to use this session to explore what we have learnt from previous migrations and to consider how to best prepare for the future, including potentially disruptive scenarios. We would also like to facilitate discussion on how different services involved in LTDP interplay and to use this opportunity to consider how we measure success and respond to requirements from funding agencies, such as those for F.A.I.R. data management.
Topics for this session include:
- Lessons from production systems, data curation, certification, migration between technologies, data re-use and sharing etc.
- Future outlook: the promise and threats resulting from new technologies including how to guard against disruptive changes. Archival preservation strategy heterogeneity or aiming for homogeneity.
- On-going or potential areas of cooperation in data preservation, access and reuse, including data transfer between and sharing across archives;
- What to preserve, balancing scientific, educational and cultural motivation in relation funding: now and in the longer term.
- Data at risk: examples of data not currently preserved or at risk for technical, financial or other reasons.
Conference Chairs
Conference Chair: Tony Hey - Chief Data Scientist STFC
Conference Co- chair: Harald Rothfuss - EUMETSAT
Scientific Programme Committee
Head of Scientific Programme Committee: Esther Conway - CEDA
David Giaretta - APA
Brian Mathews - STFC
Richard Moreno- CNES
Nancy Ritchey - NOAA
Tom Stein - University of Washington/NASA
Reta Beebe - NOAA
Christophe Arviset - ESA ESOC
Mirko Albani - ESA ESRIN
Pascal Lecomte - ESA climate change office
Kevin Ashley - DCC
Jamie Shiers - CERN
Eberhard Mikusch - DLR
Phil Kershaw – CEDA
Organising Committee
Head of Organising Committee: Caroline Callard – RAL Space
Esther Conway – CEDA
Brian Matthews – STFC
Poppy Townsend – CEDA
Richard Hilton – Satellite Applications Catapult
Key Dates
Call for abstracts 1st Announcement – 30th Sept 2017
Conference Registration Opens and Mailing - 1st Jan 2018
Abstract Submission Deadline – 28th Feb 2018
Notification to Authors - 2nd April 2018
End Early Bird Registration - 14 April 2018
Full paper and poster deadline – 30th April 2018
PV 2018 Conference – 15th – 17th May 2018
More information
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For more information please contact: RAL Space Enquiries