Designed, built, and tested two cameras for the Canadian-based company UrtheCast, which are installed on the International Space Station (ISS).
Earth Observation
Main Objectives
To provide near real time HD streaming of Earth to anyone with an internet connection. The first camera is medium resolution and can take pictures of Earth in full colour and Near Infra-Red. The second is a high-resolution camera and sits on a moveable platform, allowing tracking of ground targets to generate videos of Earth.

Launch Date
On 25th November 2013, a Soyuz Rocket launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan with a payload to rendevous with the ISS. On board were the two cameras which were installed on the Russian module of the ISS.
Further Project Information
RAL Space Imaging Systems designed, built, and tested the two cameras for the ISS.
For more information please contact: RAL Space Enquiries