RAL Space Involvement
RAL Space developed algorithms and software for controlling the pointing of the telescope and maintaining the alignment of the two mirrors of this novel telescope design.
Main Objectives
To efficiently and reliably deliver high-quality data to the users of the observatory, thus enabling excellent science at the forefront of astronomy. As the first ELT, LBT's mission was to also experiment and develop a new generation of ELTs.
Start Date
1997, completed and shipped in 2002
PartnersUniversity of Arizona, Italy (INAF: Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica), Germany (LBTB: LBT Beteiligungsgesellschaft), The Ohio State University, and the Tucson–based Research Corporation representing the University of Minnesota, the University of Virginia, and the University of Notre Dame.
Further Project Information
Large Binocular Telescope Observatory
For more information please contact, RAL Space Enquiries