How did you get into your job?
I started at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory on the STFC apprenticeship scheme when I was 16, working my way through different departments and built up my profile to become a mechanical engineer. I then worked full-time in the RAL Space Precision Development Facility (PDF) as a Computer Numerical Control (CNC) machinist for four years before becoming a senior Mechanical Assembly, Integration and Test technician. I have returned to the PDF in the role of CNC Manufacturing Facility manager.
What is your role?
My main role is to manage a small team of precision manufacturing machinists, making parts with features accurate to the micron level for space instruments, which are integrated onto satellites enabling world-class science.
What’s the best thing about your job?
Knowing that components I have manufactured with my own hands are now in space above us providing detailed data for the purpose of helping humanity is amazing.
Why is it important you do what you do?
My role and skills underpin the manufacture of remote sensing instrumentation for Earth observation and atmospheric science. We get a huge science return from using microwave energy in the electromagnetic spectrum for studying chemical species in our planet's atmosphere. Instruments made up of highly accurate machined components that I have manufactured with the advanced CNC machines within the PDF are currently orbiting the Earth providing essential advanced weather forecasting and help scientists study the effects of global warming.
What advice would you give to people looking for a job in your industry?
The best piece of advice I can give is never turn down any opportunity. Take every opportunity whether it be at school, visiting different places around the world, or even seeing different companies. It provides great insights to find things that you might enjoy, or a way of entering that industry.
Is there anything you wish you could tell your younger self now?
Probably not to worry so much about education and that it’s not always everything. Hard work and determination tends to prevail if you haven’t always got the grades.
1994 - The year I wanted to be a farmer
2006 - The year I went on a Moroccon expedition, where I contemplated a career in travelling
2013- The year I finished my HNC in mechanical engineering
2017- The year I was a CNC Machinist in the Precision Development Facility of RAL Space
2017 - The year I got to meet Jo Johnson, Universities and Science Minister from 2016 to 2018, in my role as MAIT Technician in the SET Division