Space at UKRI




What is UKRI

UKRI is the UK's largest public funder of research and innovation. We invest more than £8 billion annually to advance our understanding of society and the world around us and deliver benefits for society, the economy and the environment.  

Our organisation comprises nine councils which are responsible for supporting research and knowledge exchange at higher education institutions in England.

Through our Councils and the critical national capabilities provided by our centres, units and institutes, we deliver, support and champion the creativity and vibrancy of research and innovation in the UK, for the benefit of society.  

UKRI is a non-departmental public body sponsored by the Department for Science, Innovation and Technology.

Space at UKRI

Our vision is to deliver and influence space research and innovation, and use the resulting data to inspire, explore and exploit new opportunities across our Universe, protect our planet and the people on it. 

Our mission is to support the UK space research and innovation ecosystem, to underpin national space capability and enable new discovery.  

​We deliver this through convening partnerships, catalysing new ways of working, and investing in research, innovation, skills, and infrastructure.  


Space activities in UKRI councils

​​Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC)

STFC supports the academic community providing grant funding for astronomy, solar physics and space science and gives space businesses access to world-leading knowledge, unique facilities and the networks they need to succeed. Through its national laboratories, including RAL Space and UK Astronomy Technology Centre, STFC actively supports space technology transfer through commercialisation of intellectual property. Whether you're space start-up, a high-growth SME or multinational organisation we have the breadth and depth of expertise to support your growth journey.  Our clusters across the UK in Harwell, Edinburgh and Daresbury allow for local delivery to businesses with global ambitions.

RAL Space

RAL Space is the UK's national space laboratory, with over 60 years of experience in space programmes. We enable space science and exploration, Earth observation and a more resilient society. We run some of the UK's most advanced space and science facilities and our experts work throughout the lifecycle of space missions. From leading concept studies for future spacecraft; developing bespoke scientific instrumentation; providing space test and calibration services; operating ground-stations to processing and analysing data. We support UK academia through collaborations, services and technology development and partner the UK space industry through contract research and access to our world-leading facilities.

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UK Astronomy Technology Centre (UK ATC)

The UK ATC is the national centre of excellence for the development of astronomy instruments. We deliver innovative and capable cameras, spectrometers and bespoke instrument & telescope systems for ground and space-based astronomy. We also apply our capabilities in areas like Earth Observation and ophthalmology. The Higgs Centre for Innovation at the UK ATC provides business incubation and testing facilities for small satellites and components.

Natural Environment Research Council (NERC)

NERC is the driving force of investment in environmental science in the UK. Space related research is an essential and integral component of environmental research and innovation and NERC has a diverse research portfolio including several, specific space-related fields such as space weather and processes in the upper atmosphere. Earth Observation (EO) data underpins research helping to making significant advances in important areas of science such as understanding the extent and pace of climate change, mitigating against natural hazards such as floods and forest fires and the sustainable use of natural resources by society.  UK environmental EO scientists, supported by NERC, are leaders in many international space missions. NERC also provides UK scientific oversight of EO as a space-enabled activity and provides national capabilities and facilities.

National Centre for Earth Observation (NCEO)

NCEO is the UK’s strategic research centre dedicated to the study and exploitation of satellite and remote sensing Earth observation (EO) data to understand the Earth’s climate. Our principal stakeholder is the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) whose investment ensures the UK has the capability to deliver high quality, value-added EO data and develop the advanced mathematical techniques needed to maximise their scientific and societal impact. Our key partners include the UK Space Agency, European Space Agency, EUMETSAT and International Space Agencies in the conceptualisation, calibration and implementation of climate satellite missions. We provide crucial (EO) digital infrastructure for data from these satellites through the Centre for Environmental Data Analysis (CEDA) and the Earth Observation Data Hub (EODH).  

Medical Research Council (MRC)

MRC's mission is to improve human health through world-class medical research, from fundamental science to early clinical trials and preventive medicine. Space-based technologies and data are used to understand global health and combat disease.

Diseases spread over wide and often inaccessible geographical areas and satellite imagery and navigation data can provide a vital perspective to any ground truthing and observational data. Space-based data is also vital for measuring air pollution which is a growing cause for concern for global health, especially in urban environments.

MRC support the use of space as a research environment, especially for low gravity experiments, and research into the effects of aviation and space on human health.

Innovate UK

Innovate UK provides the linchpin between research and commercialisation. We provide business-led innovation funding for the strongest growth concepts and stimulate collaboration and connections across research, academia and industry. We support the growth of space and geospatial businesses through our loans, Smart Awards, Contracts for Innovation and Investor Partnerships and support successful applicants to the Eureka and Horizon Europe calls. We further support businesses from seed to scale stage through Innovate UK Business Growth, a key part of our investment in pioneering businesses. Innovate UK Business Connect expands on this support through connecting innovators with new partners and opportunities beyond their existing thinking.

Support from Innovate UK:

Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC)

ESRC is the UK's largest funder of economic, social, behavioural, and human data science. The study of the space domain and use of space data is increasing in social sciences. Earth observation data is being used in human rights and supply chains research) and more research groups focused on the law, governance and policy of space are being established in the UK.  Social science can also contribute research on UK National Space Strategy Goals and how they will be achieved.

Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC)

EPSRC creates knowledge in engineering and physical sciences for UK capability to benefit society and the economy. We currently invest around £100 million in space-related research and training at over 35 UK universities covering the core themes of Engineering, Physical Sciences, Mathematics, Quantum technologies, Robotics & AI, Energy and ICT. Working with the UK Space Agency, EPSRC also delivers the £22M FAIR-SPACE hub, a UK national centre of research excellence in space robotics and AI.

Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC)

We advance the frontiers of bioscience discovery with a focus on developing an integrated understanding of health, sustainable agriculture and food, advanced manufacturing, and clean growth. We support a broad range of underpinning research and skills that can have application to space. To date, we have invested around £27.7 million in 49 projects in space-related research, including studies making the most of the UK's access to the laboratories on the International Space Station, using Earth observation data to improve agriculture and food production and developing technology for use in space or adapting space data and technology for terrestrial application.

Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC)

Arts and Humanities research contributes to understanding, supporting and developing the historical, economic, social, and cultural dimensions of the UK's National Space Strategy Goals. Bringing to the fore the human dimension of the use of space and understanding the impact of space activities on culture and society, ensuring it delivers for individuals and communities in the UK and globally. Disciplines across the arts and humanities are well equipped to support the delivery of the NSS, from law and ethics to design and history, in collaboration with other disciplines helping the UK to grow as a space nation. In addition, arts and humanities perspectives bring to bear our collective imaginations to create awareness and widen public interest in space. 

UK map showing UKRI facilities available to support the space ecosystem